Thursday, November 13, 2008

Recipe: Stuffin Muffins

For those families who love that crunchy bit of stuffing, this is the answer. You avoid the possibility of food poisoning by never having the stuffing near the bird, and there's more crunchy bits to go around without fist fights.

You can see I made a note about going lighter on the onions. Ours came out too "oniony" and I personally blame the onion being cut too chunky. This year, I'll be using an onion in several recipes, so I'll chop up a couple in the food processor and scoop out what I need from a ziploc bag.


Anne D said...

Snort! When this post came up on my Google Reader I first thought it said
Recipe: Stud Muffins...

Wishful thinking, huh :)

Lee Plumb said...

LOL!! Don't we all wish we could simply bake up a Stud Muffin?

Ann, you made my day.

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