Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thanksgiving 5 Things

Thanksgiving Five Things

Doing these five things ahead will save you time, stress, and money. Do it now, and write them down. If you don't have the FlyLady Holiday Control Journal, go get one. Search "Control Journal" and you'll find it.

1) Guest List. Pretty basic, but seriously, make your list; check it twice and start making those all-important phone calls. Knowing how many to plan for is an integral part of successful holiday planning.

2) The Menu. What are you having besides turkey? Make your menu and appropriate grocery list and get everything purchased except the perishables (do that a few days before). If you have stuff that might get mistakenly eaten before the big day, put it in a box and stash it in the linen closet or label it instructing your loved ones to stay far, far away from this Thanksgiving food item.

3) The Turkey. If you're going to order a fresh one, time's running out. Make that phone call now. Make sure you get a confirmation number (put the confirmation number on your calendar or checklist). If you're buying frozen go ahead and purchase it now, double bag it and stick in the fridge to start thawing.

4) Serving Pieces. Do you have everything you need? Platters, serving utensils, extra plates, napkins, etc.? Pull them out and set them aside; that's one less thing you'll need to do. If you don't have what you need, buy them or make phone calls to borrow and pick them up as soon as possible.

5) Linen Check. Pull out your tablecloth and napkins. Are they clean, are they pressed? If not, wash and iron them now then hang them up on hangers and put them in your hall closet (or wherever you can hang them). Doing them the night before or the day of will exhaust you! There's way too much to do on those two days.

Remember that holidays are for everyone, INCLUDING the cook! Don't forget to ask for help, allow others to bring some of their favorite dishes and on cooking day, make time to stop, put your feet up and be very thankful for the faces that will be sitting around your Thanksgiving table. Enjoy yourself this year!

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