Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sculpy Gift and Wine Tags

Aren't these great? Besides decorating a wine glass or package, think about the tag itself. It's permanent. It can become an earring, a dog tag, a pendant, or a key chain fob. It could even be re-used as a gift tag next year. How cool is that?
I recommend going into a craft store like JoAnn's or Michael's and checking in the jewelry making aisles. There you'll find the wine glass rings, earrings, D-rings, and split rings to make all these gifts in a flash.
Oh, and why limit yourself to these designs? Use miniature cookie cutters, or designs from any coloring book for more shapes and ideas. You could even take a full-size drawing of your favorite cookie cutter and reduce it using a copier to make lots of mini-designs to use forever.
Have fun! It's Playdough for grownups!

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