Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Scrappy Gifts To Give

Karen DeAngelo and I were talking this morning and we wondered just how many scrappy gifts we could come up with. This is our list. Can you come up with more?

Definition of Scrappy for my blog friends: Scraps leftover from projects.

Scrappy Gifts to Give

Hackysacks/beanie balls for children
Grocery bags
Plastic Grocery Bag tubes for recycling
Lunch bags
Ipod/Cell/Messenger bags
Eyeglasses case
Puppets, Teddy bears, and stuffed beanies
Tooth Fairy Pillows
Ring Bearer Pillows
Neck pillows and U-shaped Travel Pillows
Spa sets (slippers, tote, do-rag and scrubbie)
Potpourri balls and bowls
Journal covers, photo albums, guest registers
Book and Bible cover totes
Poppets and pet toys (catnip mice and chase balls)
Scrunchies and hair accessories
Gift/Wine bags
Small Appliance covers
Casserole/Crock Pot totes
Tea Cozies
Placemats, runners, napkins, table cloths, napkin rings
Holiday themed plate chargers
Silverware set holders
Picnic sets
Table toppers and altar cloths
Cookie tin and basket liners
Pencil/Bucket cup liners
Car seat organizers/visor organizers
Totes, Purses, Folded Purses
Sewing table sandbags, under machine organizers, sewing machine cover
Wall décor/Wall safes
Sewing hams
Needle case/rolls/books
Pin cushions
Clothespin holders
Hat and Glove holder
Closet safe on a hanger
Jar toppers

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